The gift of a man makes way for him. This suggests that it
can open closed doors and buy the attention of important people towards you
(Proverbs 18:16). It is a guarantee.
Today we show expressions of our gratitude and reverence for
others through words, actions and of course gifts. Gifts are of a great impact
as they usually express beyond words and gives credibility to your actions.
Do not underestimate the power of a gift!
Why Give Hampers?
example, should you buy a gas cooker for say N15,000 or you buy an
equivalent price of our hamper. In that hamper, you will likely have all sorts
of edibles, kitchen & house gadgets e.g blender, electric cooker, ... In an
attractive packaging that shows you have taking so much pain to produce. I tell
you, it will be more appreciated because we humans place more value on the sacrifice
encountered to give a thing than the real cost of getting that thing (at least most humans are wired that way).
Hence, we in our company have decided to make it our
business to help you in this regard. You can express a yearlong gratitude to
the people in your life by packing lovely gift items together in attractive
hamper packs and putting a well deserved smile on both your face and your
recipients this season.
Click on the categories up screen to see the hampers made specially for you.
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